“The ME in the WE / The WE in ME”
On 23.08.24 at Bremen’s Roland, we were able to observe how pupils from the 6th grade of the Oberschule Sebaldsbrück (Bremen) see sustainable learning, as we happened to witness how the “17 UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) were presented by 60 young people in a dance and movement project.
The Bremen market offered space for artistic exploration and reflection on how to deal with the changing world, people and global as well as personal goals. In conversation with Dr. rer.nat Johanna Pareigis, we learned how the students explore the emotional aspects of these topics as part of the project and express them through movement and dance. The global changes around US and the personal changes in ME are unmistakable. We want to perceive these and explore our own feelings, communicating them both outwardly and inwardly.
Since we are in the FairWineAcademy and also try out and implement a lot in our seminars, this project was particularly interesting for us. We hadn’t previously thought about how young people approach the 17 sustainability goals.
We were given a brief insight into how a deeper understanding of our environment can be developed. That 6th graders are actively learning – outdoors and in the classroom, through solo and group activities – to be more aware of themselves and others. The goal: a powerful and authentic action that strengthens their mental abilities, their self-confidence and their ability to live harmoniously with themselves and their environment.
The inspiration:
- Communication – Collaboration – Critical thinking – Creativity (4 C’s)
- Active young people with strength and vision
- Independent thinking & doing
- Commitment – Standing up – Attitude
- Think with your gut.
- No superimposed values
- Nonconformism
- No fear of failure
- Find your wild heart with imagination.
- The power of I and We
The project dealt with questions such as:
- What does the group do
- We think for ourselves and together.
- We exchange ideas.
- We are on the move.
- We move you.
- We show what we see and understand.
Contact persons for the project
Johanna Pareigis
Cultural mediator, fine arts, other, Molfsee
now ESD certified
Preslav Mantchev
Cultural mediator for dance, Kiel

Picture credits: Janina Carmesin / School administration Bremen
Goal no. 10 “Fewer inequalities”. The school told us that the school always has work to do in this area. The children at the school are currently defending themselves against right-wing extremist and racist slogans that were smeared on the school. Sustainability is shown here as civil courage.
The Federal Network for Outdoor Learning and Outdoor School invites you to the III. International Conference on Outdoor Learning. https://www.draussenlernen.net in Pielenhofen (Bavaria).